Book Formatting

What is formatting?

Formatting PicA fully formatted book looks neat, crisp, and ready to read. Margins are consistent, chapter headings in place, the gutters of the book don’t swallow the words. A formatted book is ready to compete on the market, and a professional formatting job can help your book stand out among the thousands of other books competing for your readers’ attention.

For those who become my clients*, I outsource this particular service to a professional, who offers the below services:

  1. ebook formatting for kindle only (.mobi file): $25
  2. ebook formatting for kindle and basic epub: $30
  3. ebook formatting for kindle and basic and specialized epub versions (iBooks, Kobo, Nook, Google Play): $35
  4. Createspace pdf paperback book design and formatting:
  • Print Economy: $50
  • **Print Standard: $75
  • ***Print Specialty: $100

All formatting includes several chapter heading design choices. Basic glyphs are provided, or you may provide your own for a specialized look.

Files submitted for formatting should be in MS Word, with chapter, section, or scene breaks clearly marked. Please turn in files complete with all information desired: dedication, acknowledgments, author’s note, glossary, about the author, also by, etc.

Formatting does not include copyediting. However, if high-end formatting is desired for the print version, some small copyedits may need to be made to achieve the best quality, appearance, and value.

My formatter and I will work with you to achieve your desired product and will discuss with you which options will be best for the project.

*Please note that I offer this service to my clients who choose me for additional editing work only. This service is not available to those who edit their work elsewhere and are solely seeking a novel formatter. The purpose of this website is to offer a complete editing package to would-be novelists.

**Print Standard involves a touch of copy-editing and more rigorous control over certain formatting issues that Print Economy doesn’t cover.

***Print Specialty involves special kinds of print jobs such as ones with many images, footnotes, charts, or unique formatting requirements.